27 May 2010

Summer of Fun Kickoff!


Know how to start of a good summer of fun?

*fireworks in the desert*

One good thing about living in Las Vegas is its proximity to Moapa. The only good thing about Moapa is the firework store. We happened by there the other night with the express intention of buying some explosives... but, shhh! They're illegal. Don't tell.

Tif got a really big sparkler.

I jumped over fire... succesfully.

Josh is a nerd. He creeps into photos. He can't jump over fire very well. Thus, it becomes imperative to shoot Roman Candles at him.

A small sampling of our goods.


The Black Widow said...

Remember that one time I loved us?

kalanicut said...

I'm really hurt. Have I been fired from your list of bloggers you know?? And after all I've done for you?! ;)

kalanicut said...

Hi, yeah, the summer is about over. I'd like to see this blog updated at some point. You need to have a talk with your blog site administrator and tell him/her to get back to work. ;)

The Black Widow said...

So, I was looking back at your blog, and I remembered how much I really, really loved this night. Plus, I really like these pictures.