06 April 2007

still studying...

I feel currently devoid of all human contact (except for the humans I work with and the ones I see at the gym but never talk to) . Once again I'm sitting for the PE (professional engineers) exam on April 20th (PANIC!) so I can FINALLY get my license... though that will require actually passing said exam. So, until then the 4 things I'll be doing are working, studying, working out and sleeping. But come 4.21 the party is ON and it won't stop until the Summer of Fun comes to a close. Also, I'll be catching up on some posts that are long since due. Until then here are some photos from this last weekend in Utah. I went up for conference and saw some mission friends and chilled with 'the kids'.

Soeurs: Obar, Vial, McBride & Cropper. I love these girls.
I'm claiming them as my Provo friends.

The Reays- one of the most awesome couples I know.
Seriously. LOVE them!

My fav photo from the weekend (courtesy Josh). Mojo is my bro!

Me and 'the kids'. They don't mind that I'm totally old. I don't mind that they're practically tweens. Mojo and Hurley are the best "Your Mom..." and "... that's what she said" friends a girl could have.

15 more days until I come back to life!


Kara said...

I can't wait until you're alive again! And I can't for the summer of fun!

vantastic said...

YEAH. Soeur Mcbride!! Yeah. Madagascar!! I know Soeur Obar too. How fun.