Second- my friend dared me to do this.
So... Just in case you are not my Facebook friend* and weren't able to track my day on friday here is what I was doing in backwards chronological order. You are welcome.
12:38pm - Christy is done updating about the minutiae of her day and knows you are all sad about that.
12:55am - Christy is home now.
I like that I can look back and see all your activities for the day. So many activities!
5:48pm - Christy is leaving work and driving home... and is by no means mad at josh.
5:17pm - Christy is marvelling that she has only taken ONE potty break today... and this has nothing to do with not being mad at josh.
5:07pm - Christy just turned on her space heater... and couldn't be mad at josh if she tried.
5:04pm - Christy is working again... and is not mad at josh.
5:01pm - Christy is IMing w/ Tifani & wondering if other people would think they are as funny as they think they are and is sure that yes, yes they would... and is not mad josh.
We really are the funniest people I know.
4:15pm - Christy is ready to start detailing again and counting down until she leaves the office... and is not mad at josh.
so nice.
this one too.
3:41pm - Christy is eating her fries and fry sauce... and could never be mad at josh.
i like this one
3:19pm - Christy is going to sonic for lunch and will be back in a minute... and is not mad at josh.
im so glad you are not mad at josh :)
3:23pm Tifani
lunch just now? Really! Interesting!
3:16pm - Christy is wasting time on ldslinkup right now... and is not mad at josh.
3:05pm - Christy is texting and responding to emails... and is not mad at josh.
Come on Christy!!! Everyone is secretly mad at Josh, even if they don't admit it. I am so mad at him right now and I can't even remember why. I just know he deserves it. Haha.
5:07pm Josh
i hate you megan.
2:55pm - Christy is going to go to the bathroom... and is not mad at josh.
1:10pm - Christy is going to a meeting at an architects office.
I'm almost sorry I confirmed you as a friend - there are too many updates! ;)
2:33pm - Maren
Are you done with your meeting yet? I need to know what else is going on in your life! And I am mad at Josh.
I am getting mad at this Josh, just because you are SO not mad!
2:32pm - Maren
I don't know you but I like you Tony!
2:38pm - Josh
what the hell! this is going too far. strangers are hatin' on me!
Now the copy machine! Amazing! I am literally on the edge of my seat waiting to hear the latest updates in the exciting life of Christy! And, I am mad at Josh.
Thank you for providing the minute by minute details. I feel so much a part of your day now. Like I am there in the office with you. And, I am mad at Josh.
... and is not mad at josh.
11:27am - Christy is back to drawing details... and is still not mad at josh.
Wow! That is so interesting and fascinating. By the way I am STILL mad at that dirtbag Josh.
11:05am - Christy is talking to her coworker about hot rod and nacho libre... and is still not mad at josh.
10:35am - Christy is drawing framing details... and is not mad at josh.
10:05am - Christy is totally not mad at josh at all.
*Let's be Facebook friends!