02 October 2006

Dear Sita Ji

Dear Sita Ji,
I can't believe you missed the Mission Reunion! I was so sad to have to go without you but be believing. I did REPRESENT!... although not with photos... just in person. Those Mada Missionaries SO did not think they were the only ones in the mission. Why? Because we outter islanders were there in number! I didn't get pictures of the younger outter islanders... mostly because I still couldn't remember who was who at the end of the night. It was good to put a face with a name though. I'll show you who was there and who I was SO happy to see! Serendipity!!

It's Mistigail!! Of course I was most excited to see her. I'd called her earlier in the day to make sure she and baby were coming. So beautiful!!

Here's Soeur Vial. I can't believe you've never met her. It's a travesty. She rules.
Yo C-Scratch!! What up?! Good old Cummings.Remember Elder Snow? (ok I didn't... Vial had to remind me his name and she'd never even served with him. doh!)
It's little Elder Stevens. He's all grow'd up!!
And the Blackmers. Remember our theory on what makes a good couple? I think these two are gonna make it.
I am in love with the Reays! They organized the whole reunion, and needless to say, it was wonderful! Plus, don't they look great?
You'll never guess who was there! MULGREW!! Oh my goodness I love this kid!! Just when I thought I didn't recognize anyone there I see him waving with a huge smile on his face. I cannot even tell you how happy I was to see him. He's so cool! I'm for sure going to Ireland to visit. Oh, by the way, he was "just here on holiday" (as he told me in his awesome irish accent).
And don't forget one of the most beautiful, graceful women in the world! Sister Harmon!
President Harmon is just as great as ever. So, so happy to see them!
And, just to confirm all stereotypes we ever had about provo girls... This is what happened to me after I'd been there too long:
Miss you, love you girl! Long live the Misses Metisse!

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