24 February 2009


This is the true story about how I joined a playgroup and got kicked out on the same day.

All my working life I envied 'stay at home moms'. Anything with "stay at home" in the job title has got to be awesome. Right? Cue all the stay at home moms screaming "NO!" A few weeks ago I got a taste of how that job title is not all it's cracked up to be.

I had some friends/family staying at my house for the weekend, one of which was a miniature person. She was 3 and we were instant-a-friends. On the last day of the trip she and I went on a walk. It was a gorgeous monday and since I am basically unemployed I wanted to experience what people do during the day when they're not stuck in an office. (I mean, seriously, did you guys know that the sun shines ALL DAY?) I had no destination in mind but 1 mile and 20 minutes later we ended up at the park in my neighborhood. Perfect.

I saw 3 moms sitting on the grass chit-chatting and watching their kids play. I didn't take much notice of them until they said they recognized me from church. My bad. I totally didn't recognize any of them. But I did recognize their kids, probably because kids in church are still a novelty to me. Anyway, I got to know them a bit then turned my attention back to the playground to get in some time on the slide and in the sand. As my friend the Black Widow noted, "So, you joined a playgroup... as one of the kids?" Apparently! While the "other moms" were talking amongst themselves I was on the slide with my 3 yr old and their 3 yr olds making a train over and over and over. Oh, we were having a great time.

Suddenly, there was a problem. My miniature friend looked at me with panic in her eyes and exclaimed, "I have to go potty!" Unfortunately, there were no bathrooms at the park. Being prepared for a moment like this did not occur to me before we left the house. Call me self centered.

I asked the moms in vain if there was a bathroom nearby. Graciously one of them offered to let us go to her house across the street to use her facilities. They started packing up but, I soon realized that would not do. My dear, miniature, panicked friend had waited until the last possible moment to inform me that she was fixin' to talk to a man about a horse and there would be no walking across the street to do so. The panic spread from her eyes to mine as I looked to the moms for some guidance.

"We make our boys go in the rocks" they said. Hold up. My minifriend is a girl. She ain't skilled in the squatting if you know what I mean. By the time I got my wits about me minifriend had already started the accident in her pants and added tears for effect. I whisked her to the rocks, yanked down her pants and sat her over my arm so she could finish her business. When I thought the piddle had petered out I asked her if she was finished. She looked at me with a blank look in her eyes which I had no idea how to interpret. At least the crying had stopped. I asked her again. No response. And then... she dropped the deuce. Oh yeah. She went #2 right there in the rocks while I held my arm out for her to sit on.

Do you know what you do when you have a kid go #1 and #2 in the rocks while sitting on your arm? You pray there is a mother standing there with her magical diaper bag full of tricks. It was now me with the blank look in my eyes as I turned to my new mom friends with no clue what to do next. There they were with babywipes and a plastic garbage bag for me to clean up the mess. Thank th'goodness. Once minifriend was taken care of (and smiling and happy again with no consideration for the trauma I was now going through) I took the plastic bag and picked up the poop.

People. Do you know the main reason why I don't have a dog? I don't have a dog because picking up dog poop makes me dry heave. It's disgusting. Let me tell you, picking up child poop in the same manner? Not. Any. Better. But, I did it.

I now considered the mile long return walk home and the chaffing that would occur on that poor girl if I didn't carry her and the pee soaked pants she was wearing that would get all over me if I did carry her. Umm... But, there they were again, my new mom friends offering me a ride home. Again, thank th'goodness. I didn't want to get pee all over the mom's seat so I made minifriend sit on my lap on the way home thus saturating my clothes with pee anyway. But, we were home and I could pass her off to her parent to clean up the rest of the mess.

As we walked in the door she exclaimed with a smile, "I peed in the park!" as if it were her greatest accomplishment. We were both proud of ourselves. She peed in the park and I didn't sell her to the gypsy family down the street for putting me through the trauma of dealing with it.

So, while the moms haven't called me to invite me back to playgroup (understandably) I can take heart knowing that I taught my miniature friend one of the most valuable skills she will ever need in life: how to squat in nature.

The end.


Amander said...

Oh my gosh - that is so hilarious. I love that you had to pick up her poo - SO gross! Good thing you had some real moms there to bail you out :)

Amanda said...

I love it. I don't even have a story that good and I AM a stay at home... who takes her kid to the park and slides on the slides and swings on the swings!

Anne said...

I have no words!

chelle. said...

my stomach hurts from laughing.
just so you know, i am sharing this story with every person i know.
and hilarious.

nathalia said...

Best story to wake up to in the morning! Oh dear. I cannot believe you did that for minifriend. Wow. I agree with you, dog poop? Why do we humans subject ourselves to that? Well... I don't. But some people do! Sicko!

Minifriend is lucky to have you.

I rue the day when anything even slightly akin to this story occurs with Madeleine. Oy.

Smart Helm said...

That was hilarious. I absolutely love the way you wrote it.

I'm still laughing. I gots to tell Melissa about it.

The Hardles said...

I'm dying! That is hilarious! Motherhood will suit you well, you just have to get that "Mommy bag" together!

Anonymous said...

Oh Christy,

I won't tell mini that you've told her story to the world...but how do you feel about seeing mini this weekend? She's now twice as big as she was last month and now throws tantrums, talks incessantly and tells you how completely and totally she really, really loves you when she gets the sense that she's pushed things too far. It's a barrel of laughs to be sure. BUT --- you might just be the one to scare some sense into her!


Adrian said...

Wow. That story is crazy!
I'm so sorry for you...
But laughing at the same time.

I don't know if that makes me bad or not.

Anyhow, sorry about that, and I'm glad you're able to laugh about it.

Take care!

hillari said...

hi, I'm Ronquillo's sis/sis-in-law, and they directed me to your blog to read this story. It's crazy, but I just posted a very simliar post on my blog yesterday! And I was thinking the exact same thing about dogs when I was picking up my son's poop at the park. Click on over and check out my story! I love your blog, btw.

j said...

oh my friend, you have been baptized by FIRE! seriously- you are a better mom than i am. i would have freaked out and made the kid sit in the rocks- no arm offers from me. :)

this is hilarious. thank you for writing it!!!

StevenKatie said...

Wow! I haven't laughed that hard in a long, long time. We are talking tears!

Thanks for sharing!!!

Jennifer Baldwin said...

That is one of the best stories ever!!!!

Katie said...

What a great teacher! Seriously.

Vanessa said...

Hilarious! Wow. I'm glad I have yet to deal with that. :) Seriously, I think I may put a link to that post on my blog- that was funny! Now you are ready to be a parent!

Heidi said...

Wow! I just discovered your blog via some other blog and what a hoot you are! How fun!

Anonymous said...

your blog just saved my day... thanks... love the payoff:“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

love it.. you are great..

kalanicut said...

hello? hello? is anyone ever going to update this blog? the regular readers are bored.... ;)

Nicole said...

i about wet myself just reading the story. man I love being a guy. too bad that will not help me when it comes to teaching my little girl how to squat in the wilderness in the event that her mother is not there. i will say, smart thinking about giving her an arm to sit on. I would have just PUSHED her into a squat and held her there, or leaned her up against a wall. HA!