Seriously! How am I supposed to stalk people without looking crazy and desperate if they can now see who's checking out their profile?! I mean, c'mon! Sometimes a gal's gotta gawk at photos of hot mormon guys (and laugh at the crazy ones). I had my favorites whose photos I'd check out every few days just for fun. I used to be able to do that at will without the worry of them thinking that I was a crazy stalker (even though maybe I am).
Furthermore! I'm totally obsessed- OBSESSED!- with seeing who is checking ME out. I mean... I don't want people to think that I'm checking them out BUT I WANT THEM TO CHECK ME OUT!
OK... I know I'm crazy. Just please tell me I'm normal crazy.
Please. Lie if you have to.
*or maybe I HAVE joined the other sites using a "fake" profile... a lovely gal named tami who is divorced with one child and works as a secretary. ha!
**that linkup is a dating site is debatable even though that is 99% of what happens there
100% normal behaviour.
haha! this is hilarious and I totally do the same thing, I guess there is no need for me to join LDS linkup anymore, it seems like it will just create incentive to do fake profiles, which is totally what I would do. Don't let the MAN keep you from stalking! Nice post! It made me laugh!
I did the same thing! I noticed it last night and now I can't stalk any of my exes! THIS IS SOOOO UNFAIR!!!!
I'm pissed. They're doing it so we all pay for the service. Notice if you pay you can block them from seeing you. Those capitalist bastards!
I'm glad I'm not the only one freaking out about this. I was like, this is cool, but this is bad!
s&t- thanks. i love it when you tell me what i want to hear.
lindsey- i WILL stick it to the man! i WILL find other ways of anonymously stalking. i WILL!
vanilla- i had the same thought about my exes as well. but i was very happy to see that one of them checked me out the other day. ass.
and you're totally right about this being a ploy to get everyone to pay for the service.
That is hillarious! I had no idea they started doing that! Dang it! Now I have to quit stalking people too! lol...
The stalk factor was the best part about the linkup!
I haven't been on linkup in over 6 months, but now I'm morbidly curious to see what you're talking about...
Tell you what- You can use MY profile to stalk people anonymously (with my face). I could give a rat's what anybody thinks. Call me for the password.
Boo urns! I mean, I'm not a member of the linkup, but really, that's the whole point of being ont those things right? How's a girl to stalk?! Don't worry. You're not crazy...p.s. He's here. You know who I'm talking about....hence my glass case of emotion.
aww... don't worry about it. The way LDSlinkup does it is that you can look at a profile a ton of times in a short space of time like a half hour (i don't have all the specs on it) and it only shows up once.
also... it seems as though if you only look at it really a second or so it doesn't show up at all.
um and stuff.
that´s stupid.. why so much drama.. what is the point.. well so what what ever what people think.. don´t u wanna meet new people what´s wrong if they see u... I know sometimes U don´t wanna someone u went out with to know but the rest... guess what.......
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