11 April 2008

you know i love to be:


This is what you do:
1. Pick up the nearest book (at least 123 pages)
2. Turn to page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence on your blog
5. Tag 5 people

"You see, fear has had an effect on him." ~The Inspector General of Prisons

From chapter XIV: The Raving Prisoner and the Mad One of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.

Everyone I know who has read this book says it's their favorite. Already, I'd recommend this to anyone and I don't even know how it's going to end! I'm on page 839 of 1243. Almost there! When I first picked up this behemoth book I feared it would take me the entire year to get through it BUT it is so captivating! It's taken me about 3 weeks to get this far and I suspect I'll finish this weekend. I cannot wait to see what happens!

Oh, and I tag whoever feels like being tagged.


Marleen said...

I started reading the unabridged version and felt I didn't have the time to read it all in my busy life. I got the abridged version now and I'm hoping to be able to make it though it. Wish me some time so I can enjoy. Thanks for the line.

k8 said...

such an amazing book.