05 August 2008

end of an era

Well folks, it finally happened.

This last sunday I was released from my calling as Relief Society president after 3 years and 2 months of service. Whew. I don't know how the sisters put up with me for so long. I always said that they weren't keeping me in because I was good at the calling but that they were keeping me in until I got it right. I think they finally gave up ;) But, truth be told I feel absolutely privileged and blessed to have had the opportunity to serve in this capacity. I have served with 3 amazing Bishoprics, numerous councilors and secretaries and gotten to know so many amazing sisters.

I'd begun to lose hope that I'd ever get released. But I was ok with that because I really did love my calling and I had an INCREDIBLE presidency that I was blessed to work with since our ward split. They carried me through the last year and we just had so much fun together and tried to carry that fun onto our sisters. And not only did we have fun but we had the Spirit. Big time. Great combination.

When I got the official word of my release from the bishop I had a huge grin on my face that didn't go away for the entire week. It wasn't until Relief Society on sunday where we delivered our "final testimonies" that it really hit me. The mixed emotion of it all. It was time. I was tired. I was so happy to be released. But I was sad to let it all go. When I stood up to speak to the sisters for the last time as RSP my happy, smiley, relieved self turned into a blubbering, sobbing idiot. All the love that I had for every sister that I ever served and served with suddenly hit me like a brick wall and I could not contain my emotions. It was intense joy mixed with a bit of mourning. I realized that I'd no longer carry the mantle, that they were no longer "my girls" and that was both a happy and sad thought. It is a heavy, happy burden that I am now passing on to one of my dear, dear friends.

I am SO excited about the new presidency! They are going to be phenomenal. And even though I'm relieved to be released I'm also a bit envious of them and all the amazing experiences they are going to have.

It'll be an interesting transition to only go to church for 3 hours on sunday, to not run around all crazy-like making sure everything is ready for RS and not having to sit at the front of the room. But after reflecting over the amazing experiences I've had in the last 3 years I am so proud of what we were able to accomplish and there are lessons that I pray I will never forget. I've learned that everyone has something amazing about them. Everyone is precious to our Heavenly Father. Everyone is worthy of being loved. We all need to be loved. We all need to serve. And more than anything, even though we as members of the church are far from perfect, the Church and it's programs are perfect. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and His Atonement is real!

Amen and amen.


nathalia said...

Well, I sustain you in your next calling!!:) I wish that I could have lived under the reign of Pres. Cropstar. Profound respect for that calling and all those who survive it. Congrats!

melissa said...

Christy, you are amazing! I know I've said it before but we have big shoes to fill because you and your presidency did a phenomenal job. I hope we can even be a portion of that for the girls. Thanks so much for all of your help so far, and thanks for making me a little veclempt from this post! Gosh. It's going to be a long couple of years! Love you!!

C and C Young said...

You were the bombdiggity as the RS prez, but I missed you as my Sunday School teacher...sad...you gave the best lessons.

Kara said...

Stop! You're making me cry-- at work!

I'm happy and sad for you, Christy. And grateful that I got to serve with you for a couple of those years. Love you!

StevenKatie said...

Congrats...enjoy being "just a member" again. :)

Misty said...

Christy, you did such an amazing job in relief society. I always felt so welcome and loved. Good luck with your new calling as ward greeter- haha... I'm sure they'll give you a fun random calling like that!

Marleen said...

I'm sure you were an amazing RS President. The crying always comes it seems like in those situations. Like a brick in the face. So did you get a new calling?

j said...

what a great and bittersweet post. i am impressed that you served that long- it's a tough calling!! :)

Mer Swift said...

I just heard you were released! I can't believe you were in there for 3 years. That's just wrong. You've done a great job. I've been out of town recently, I may be back. I don't know, but we'll have to get together soon. Hope you are great.