06 February 2007

The Day Dawn is Breaking

OK... so sorry about yesterday. It was a bad morning. The day got better though. So, I'm done swearing (for the time being).

Today is already turning out to be a great day. This morning I woke up at 5am and went running. It was pretty amazing. I've never been so happy to be running. I was reminded of getting up at 5:30am in Mauritius to go running with Vial. I was never too happy about it when we got started but the sprint home and the gorgeous sun rises always made it worth it. This morning was no different. The sunrise was amazing. I had to stop in the middle of the road and just stare and thank Heavenly Father for it. And I was in such a good mood that I wasn't even that upset about having to take a cold shower... yeah, I have NO idea why there was no hot water.

But, the thing about getting up at 5am is that by 8am (the time I usually get out of bed) I'm already ready for a nap.

Also... I hate being cold. My office is freezing today. And, I'm sure the cold shower didn't help.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I was running at 5am today too! That would have been pretty cool if we ran into each other on Grand Canyon. Alas, it was not to be.

Glad today is better.