28 August 2007

Sleep To Dream

You know that sleeping problem I've been having? I'm still trying to work that out. I can't figure out if it's because of bad sleeping habits (staying up way too late, waking up way too late, taking naps), an uncomfortable bed or if it's due to emotional/psychological problems. Probably a combination of all three.
In any case, last night I slept better than I have in a while (which really isn't saying much). I remembered that when I sleep I always dream. And since I haven't been sleeping much lately there haven't been many dreams. But, man, last night's dream stressed me out. I'm going to have to look it up in my dream encyclopedia (it's the best book I own).
So, here's what I remember:
I'd been asked to speak at a stake conference along with some other young single adults, my dad and Elder Bednar. I felt quite honored to be asked and was excited about being able to speak at the same meeting as my father. Well, the day came around and my dad and I were totally late to the meeting. I was so embarrassed as I walked up to sit on the stand while Elder Bednar was at the pulpit speaking to a full chapel and cultural hall. By the way, the chairs we had to sit on were like the old school primary chairs, the big ones. And, I didn't have time to get ready before I got to the meeting so I was wearing jeans and a tshirt. Anyway, the meeting progressed and my dad and I both got up to use the bathroom (or something, can't remember) and when we came back the meeting was over and we'd both missed our opportunity to speak. I felt awful! I'd totally failed at my assignment.
I wish that had been the end of the dream but it got worse. Later on I was in town, wearing a white sun dress and no shoes and trying to run up a hill to the center of town and I couldn't run! I hate that! I couldn't understand why my legs and feet wouldn't move like I needed them to. Serious frustration.
Anyway... anyone got any interpretations?


Erinn said...

Ok, so the basic premise of your dreams is that you cant accomplish something of great importance to you.

I.E. Trying to run or get somewhere but unable to get there, being late or missing meetings/important events.

I took a dream class and read a book... or two.. ahem.. Anyways this dream is basically telling you that your life is at a stand still, but you never have to take a dream literally. Just because you might feel that was doesnt mean that you are. It always helps when you get to points like this to take a trip or make a change in your life, big or small, whatever works for you.

Or try something new, drop an old hobby and pick up a new one. Something to make you feel excitement!

As far as Elder Bednar and your father being in your dream, things like that can be commonly assumed as your desire please others. Dont put too much pressure on yourself.

Im no expert but I hope my words have helped :) I love you!! Take care!!

Charlotta-love said...

(found you through Thom Carter).

Okay, the speaking assignment would mean (to me) that you want to do something big (like a career or a goal) and think that you might fail at it - or worse, never be given the opportunity. the fact that it was Elder Bednar and your father joining you leads me to believe this goal might be spiritual or gospel related.

As for the running but you can't run: (again this is my interpretation) would mean that there is something keeping you from obtaining your goals. this might be people in your life, limitations and doubts you may have subscribed to, or not recognizing an opportunity.

...okay, I love dreams and analyzing them. I'm a nerd for dreams. :o) I had no idea there was a dream dictionary though! Exciting!

TUG said...

I think that it means that you like to make out with strangers

cropstar said...

oh good interpretations everyone! especially thom... i think thom was spot on.