12 September 2008

i love paying tithing

I thought this article was really, really, really interesting.

So much about this article is interesting but if you don't want to read it the basic gist is that the presidential and vice presidential candidates have released their tax records. These people (well... Obama, Cindy McCain and the Clintons) make a sh'load of money! Most donate a decent part of that to charity. However, Senator Joe Biden (who, in 2007, earned $319k and donated $995 or 0.3% of it) has donated an average of $369 PER YEAR over the last decade to charity.

Is it seriously sad that I donate more PER MONTH than Biden has donated PER YEAR over the last decade? Yes. Yes, it is.


Amander said...

Um, I want your salary.

cropstar said...

you want my mortgage too? cuz i'll totally give it to you.

and, i never said i paid A LOT more than that...

Kristina P. said...

I so love that this kind of stuff is public. Biden should be ashamed. What kind of Democrat is he?

Amanda said...

How many roaches does your mortgage include? I know you have a nice house but I know you live in Vegas. So disclose that and then maybe I'll take your salary, too. (BTW, there are plenty of roaches here in ABQ...)

cropstar said...

i kid you not i have only found a grand total of 3 roaches in my house... which would be an average of 1 per year. and they've all been dead. so... that's pretty dang good right?

f*bomb. said...

I just want to note that this does not necessarily mean that all value is found monitarily. Changing the social structure of our government, giving time and energy to improving our world...these efforts go beyond a handout.
Isn't that usually what Republicans like to preach about?