10 September 2008

Republicans do it right

Believe me. I'm not one of those Republicans that chose her party simply because her parents were ultra conservative Republicans. I spent my first 2 decades being totally apathetic. Then I spent the next few years not really caring about politics (get it?... cuz apathy and not caring are the same thing? hilarious, right?)

Four years ago my interest in politics was piqued during the presidential race. I actually cared about who won. I even had a W bumper sticker (and yes, I still like him). In the interim I became even more interested- and more importantly- more educated. I've spent a lot of time pondering on what makes someone a Republican, Democrat or Independent. What beliefs lead one to support one party over another.

Now here we stand at the brink of yet another intense battle for the presidency. It seems the popular thing to do amongst folks my age is to be all PrObama. Not this gal. I mean, I'll give it to the guy- he gives a great speech. I watched the DNC. I feel like Hugh Hewitt:

And of course, he is a brilliant, almost hypnotic speaker. I broadcast from the Democratic Convention in Boston in 2004, and was in the hall when Senator Obama blew away the crowd and the national television audience with a remarkable keynote address about which I can recall nothing except the beauty and skill of its delivery.
I've vocalized my feelings about McCain (meh) and Palin (lurve!) before here on blog. And even though I don't feel that McCain is the best candidate ever (cuz that would've been Mitt), he and Palin will be getting my vote because they are the better (by far) than their opponents and basically they stand for what I believe. I've studied the voting records of both McCain and Obama and let me tell you- I fear an Obama presidency.

So... what's my point? I AM A REPUBLICAN! and proud of it baby! There are 3 specific things I read/heard in the last few weeks that have put perfectly in words why I am a Republican through and through:

From Jay Nordlinger's article "Palin Fever, &c"-
Loved something a senior politician told us in Minnesota: It’s hard to run against the Democrats. Because they’re the party that proposes to give people free stuff. And it’s very, very hard to run against people promising free stuff. You have to say, “We, by contrast, will give you the opportunity to make your own way, while keeping a net under you lest you fall too far.”
Interestingly formulated.
From Mike Huckabee's speech (never would I ever have guessed I'd like something that guy said because I have it on good authority that he's certifiably insane) at the Republican National Convention-

Let me make something clear tonight: I'm not a Republican because I grew up rich. I'm a Republican because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the government to rescue me.
And finally from the book "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch (I realize this doesn't address politics or Republicanism directly but I thought it was relevant. Also, this was seriously one of the BEST books I've ever read) -

I understand the arguments about how the billions of dollars spent to put men on the moon could have been used to fight poverty and hunger on Earth. But, look, I'm a scientist who sees inspiration as the ultimate tool for doing good.
When you use money to fight poverty, it can be of great value, but too often, you're working at the margins. When you're putting people on the moon, you're inspiring all of us to achieve the maximum of human potential, which is how our greatest problems will eventually be solved.
Also, it's really convenient that I'm a Rep because I love elephants. And also, I'm still welcome at my parents dinner table (wouldn't be the case if I were a leftist liberal freak).


Ashley said...

Great shirt. If Alex P. Keaton were running, I'd so vote for him.

Amanda said...

You rock. Your entry rocks. Be bold, Republican girl!!!

You should post your thoughts after Palin's interview on 20/20 tonight. I know I'll be watching.

Amander said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog!

I am glad you think about politics, because I am still in that apathy stage. And I think you are right, it is quite popular for people our age to be PrObama. Most of them don't even know the policies of either party.

Salt H2O said...

Your I heart Republican boys shirt is the perfect pair for the 'republicans have more money' t-shirt.

Kirsten Krason said...

Hi, not even sure how I came across your blog but I was blog hopping and saw your post title and knew I had to keep reading. I too am a proud Republican and have loved getting involved in this election. I loved those quotes you put up. Thanks!

nathalia said...

While I still think Hillary would have made a great president... parties aside, I agree with your reasonings to be a proud Republican. Well said! By you and the others you quoted! I only wish there were more like you who understood as you do.