16 October 2008


i've worked at the same company ever since i graduated from college. after working for 2 years i took a 2 year hiatus for the mission gig. since my return i've seen a steady decline in my working conditions.

ideally one is suppose to work his/her way up the ladder. i seem to be regressing. see, i believe you can judge your status in the workplace based on 2 things: windows and bathrooms.

my working conditions for example:

4 years ago: corner office with 90degree windows. view of the strip. private bathroom.
2 years ago: office with a window. view of the strip. shared womens bathroom.
today: office with no window. no view of the strip. shared mens/womens bathroom.*

i ask to god,** "why god? what have i done to offend thee?"
which i quickly followed up with "actually... nevermind. that list would be way too long..."

*just a request to all my male coworkers: please don't pee on the floor. k'thx.
**read w/ mexican accent ala rosa from sabrina

ps- one post shy of 300! wow!


nathalia said...

Whoa. That's sad. I thought your boss loved you?

I need to watch that movie again... for the 100th time.

Kristina P. said...

Why the office demotions?

300 posts! That's awesome!

The Black Widow said...

As long as the clothing hasn't regressed with the working conditions. Fabulous!

cropstar said...

Office demotions due to downsizing which are due to the housing econ screeching to a halt. Damn economy...

Rest assured my wardrobe gets exponetially better with each year. Thank you Black Widow for reminding me what is truly important.

Carrie Samantha Miranda Charlotte said...

...At least you still have a day job!!! And at your night job you don't have an office or windows either... just a stage and lots of hot lights...getting paid in $1bills has got to be a little annoying!!!....WAHAAA....

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