06 September 2008

My life is more awesome than yours.

I am an intrinsically happy person. I always have been. Of course that doesn't mean that I don't have my off days, my moments of worry, stress and sadness. But it never takes long before I can respond "I'm great!" and mean it when people ask me how I'm doing.

I live a blessed life. Seriously, I must have won the life lottery in Heaven or something because I know I haven't earned 1/100 of the good things I enjoy in life. I feel like everything in life has been handed to me on a silver platter. Of course, I haven't yet received everything I want in life (like, ya know... a husband or unlimited wealth... but I'm sure those things are coming) but I can't deny that I've received everything I need and almost all of what I want.

In short? Life is good!

Saturday I was a busy bee all morning doing chores around my beautiful little cottage of a home and just thinking about all the things that make me happy, all the things that make my life wonderful, all my blessings. When I was in college I kept a running list on the last page of my journal called my "Happy List". I wrote down every little thing that made me happy. So, here's today's happy list in a little more detail and in no particular order:
  1. I have a job. In and of itself that's pretty great, especially considering the economic state of our country, world, etc. I complain a lot about having to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day, trying to concentrate, having to deal with idiot clients and trying to manage my projects and my boss's recent bout of micromanaging. But, every time I get my paycheck I remember how blessed I am to have a college education (thanks mom & dad!) and a job that allows me to live a comfortable life. And to add icing to the cake I'm grateful to have a boss that doesn't say anything to me about how late I stroll into the office most days (believe me, this is a BIG deal for someone who hates mornings as much as I do).

  2. I am so healthy. Well, let's be honest... now that I'm in my advanced years sometimes I feel really old. But, that's just life. I am so grateful for a strong body that is able to do what I ask it to. I very rarely get sick. All my limbs and organs work properly. Also, I have awesome hair.

  3. My family is always there for me. I'm am the youngest and therefore have my entire family wrapped around my little finger. This I know. But I try not to use my powers for evil (most of the time). But, knowing that my family would drop everything at a moments notice to help me with whatever I need provides a ridiculous amount of comfort and stability. And I am never more myself than I am with my family (read: acting like a 6 year old). My family is "good people". My sisters are adored by all and are my best friends. My parents used plenty of words to raise me up in the way I should go but I learned critically important life lessons from their example: read the scriptures daily, always go to church, write in your journal, give to others and always wash the baseboards.

  4. I love (and I mean LOVE) being 30. I don't necessarily love the number or the fact that I'm getting older and closer to death while watching my life flash by. But... the awesome part about getting to this age is that I know who I am and I am totally fine with it. I am so beyond caring about what other people think of me. I've finally come into my own. Quel relief! I spent the bulk of my childhood being too shy to speak to anyone who wasn't my immediate family or my best friend. I spent the bulk of my teen years trying to blend into the background. I spent the bulk of my early 20s liking bands I didn't really like because the boy I liked liked them, being too scared to go anywhere on my own for fear that people might think I'm friendless, being too shy to meet new people if they didn't approach me first, harnessing my inner freak (and I mean that in a totally non-slutty way). Let's face it folks... I'm cah-razy! Seriously. Sometimes it kind of weirds me out how unshy I can be, how unabashedly I can make a fool of myself in public, how much I love talking to strangers. So, my gratitude is directed towards every uncomfortable moment in my life that has forced me out of my shell and formed me into the person I am now.

    And now the short list:

  1. Awesome friends.
  2. Singstar!
  3. Red Velvet Cupcakes.
  4. Dancing, dancing and more dancing.
  5. A clean house.
  6. A full tank of gas.
  7. Cool autumn evenings.
  8. Laughing until I cry.


Kristina P. said...

I haven't made a thankful list in a long time, and I think I need to. Things have been going pretty well in my life, lately, and I tend to be a "waiting for the other shoe to drop" kind of person. I'm working on that. :)

Mucky-Muck Maren said...

Your life is awesome but I don't know if I would say it is more awesome than mine. I mean I have a beach cruiser gang and you don't - although you do have Singstar at your house so you can use it whenever you want and I don't. I think we are pretty even.

Carrie Samantha Miranda Charlotte said...

This was too long for me to read... Can you just call me and tell me what it said???....

cropstar said...

hmmm... i take back that part about my family always being there for me... seems as though my family is not there for me when i need them to read long heartfelt posts.

and prison maren! i'm going to come beach cruiser shank you with my beach cruiser shiv for not inviting me to be in your beach cruiser gang! fine... i'm starting my own beach cruiser gang called "the shank-a-marens" which means that I TOO have a beach cruiser gang (of one) which one ups me. yup... my life IS still better than yours. boo-yah.

Anonymous said...

Hey Christy,

I think you forgot to mention how grateful you are about how totally humble you are!

Bragging about how great I am online is good too. thanks. Good thing you said all that good stuff before you made that comment about having us wrapped around your little finger.

Can Marge & I be the first official members of your cruiser bike posse? Is my cruiser bike's name Marge...suddenly I can't remember. Quel Nightmare!

Love you,

Cruiser Bike K

cropstar said...

MADGE! not Marge! How could you forget? Looks like Penny and I defintely need to come down and posse around with y'all.

Wendi said...

I just want to say that I think you're great, and I'm so GRATEFUl, I can count your as a friend and as a person who has touched my life. Also, I think you have AWESOME hair too!!