23 May 2007

Invading My(personal)Space

Admittedly, I have a minor (ok major) addiction to the internet. Maybe I need more real life friends. But, the internet is just so cool. I wouldn't be in touch with most of my friends in other states if I couldn't email them. My phone skillz? Horrible. Email skillz? Dey be da shiznit! (I can't believe I just said that).

Emailing alone is not a problem in my eyes and doesn't constitute concern for addiction. It's the other part of the internet where I spend way too much time- LDSLinkup (guilty pleasure much?), Facebook and MySpace (shirks with embarrassment). Yes. MySpace. I don't know if it's sacrilegious or not but MySpace has helped me in my church calling more times than I can count. I'm not even kidding. It's my job to keep track of my girls and sometimes it's the only way I can find them.

Anyway- the point- I'm totally OK with talking to total strangers from Linkup. I know it's not always logical but I totally buy into the whole "mormon guys aren't internet psychos" even though they probably are. And I'm so scared that some day I will actually have to say the words "I met my husband on the internet." So. Scared.

So while Linkup is "totally safe" I'm totally NOT ok with talking to total strangers from MySpace. Scary. So here's the message I got today from a total stranger:
How are you doing I seen your profile I really like what I seen and read. I really would like to get to know you and what kind of guys are into?
Umm... how about the kind of guys that use proper grammar? I'm sorry (not really) but anyone who ever uses the words "I seen..." (and not in mocking) will never, ever be tolerated by me. Ever.

PS- Tom is not my friend.


Cicada said...

Using MySpace for your calling? You might be a genius...

And in my limited experience with the internet boyfriend, people at least don't laugh in my face when I admit we met on the internet. They're probably talking about me behind my back, though. Let's be honest.

chloe said...

You are hilarious! And I love the MySpace calling idea.

Meeting your husband online would not be so bad...just don't get engaged after the second time you've been together in person (yep, another story for another day). Those are my only words of warning.

Raphael said...

I know a couple people how met like this... I'm though glad I don't have this story :)

Kara said...


Here is an appropriate E-card to send Tom in return.


Anne said...

I don't understand how people can be successful at finding their husband/wife online. I never found anyone that I was even remotely interested in pursuing. Maybe I'm just too picky! I think I'll be single forever.