04 May 2007


And now for the words...

Every morning when I come into work the first thing I do is read up on the latest posts of all the people I blog stalk. OK, stalking is a pretty strong word, but essentially that's what it is. I have a long list of blogs I check daily- some friends but mostly friends of friends... of friends (or however many generations back). I read, I click their links and sometimes I find blogs that I can relate to, or wish I could relate to. The first blog I really followed was CindyMindyPindy
whose blog I was referred to by my then roommate who was moving to Seattle to be Cindy's roommate. From that point on the whole blogging world kinda took over my life... ok not my whole life, just the part of my life between 9am and 9:30am (when I read other people's blogs) and midnight to 1am (when I update my own blog... sometimes). Anyway... back to the point of this post... link after link I came upon a blog that I really liked- Replikate. Cool girl. In fact, when I read her blog I always think- now this is a girl I could be friends with. She is educated, successful, knows "She" by Hummingfish, runs, and introduced me to Friday Night Lights. And I love that she has a way of putting into words what I often feel as a non-stereotypical (I hope) older (is 30 really old??), successful, working, single LDS girl... how's that for labeling yourself. haha.
A few months back K8 announced a contest for her blog birthday, the winner of which would receive a special package in the mail, and I thought- what the hell. Time to come out of the depths of anonymity, tell her I like her blog and cross my fingers that I win (cuz I really love winning and I rarely win). So guess what. I WON! WOOT!
So the above photo shows the contents of the package (minus my cool little globes which would never fit into that mailing envelope. They just looked good in the photo). Contents:
  • one Orange County postcard... because k8 lives in Huntington Beach
  • one package of Orbitz citrus gum... surprisingly I'm a big fan
  • one water gun... just for fun.
  • two seashells... seriously how did she know I collect seashells? and these were cool ones!
  • one skull sticker... I've never thought a skull was cute until this. I think it's going to find a home on my new cruiser bike!
  • one dark chocolate bar... big fan of dark chocolate since je vivais parmis les francais
  • one Replikate soundtrack... new favorite song- "Fresh Feeling" by the Eels and I was shocked- SHOCKED I tell you!- when I saw that she knows the song "She". I honestly thought that only my friends and I knew Hummingfish. Happy thought indeed.
Anyway... I was pretty excited about the package. In fact it was displayed on my piano (just as you see it in the photo) for at least a week. And now for my thank you to K8:

Dear K8,
Love the blog. Love the blog birthday package. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
Christy (aka Cropstar)
PS- Let's be friends. If you wanna. And if you're ever in Vegas let me know and we can go gamble, or eat at a buffet, or visit Sigfried and Roy, or something really typically Vegas (though I draw the line at going to strip clubs. sorry).